Sunday, 13 February 2011

It's raining so why not start a blog instead of gardening

I have started this blog today as it is raining and I am not going to do the garden in the rain. I had a great session of feeling the earth in my hands in the waking spring soil yesterday and it felt good to be back.

I had left all the plants die back naturally so as to leave a duvet to protect the soil and any creatures and seeds that were in sleep mode over winter. I know how they feel. I could almost hear the soil breathing a sigh of relief and it smelt wonderfully musty and living at the same time.

I only managed to untangle a tiny bit and was glad to see that my' Love lies bleeding ' plant, sedum, scabious were ok and I could almost hear them stretching fresh suculent shoots skyward. My Rosemary was petrified again this year though..same happened last year and I broke my promise to cosy it up before winter.
So, me thinks this blog is really for my own amusement and only for the things that make me feel good and not for the crazy stuff that goes on in this world that doesn' political commentry here ..just random thoughts on the stuff I love and love to do mostly  'amuigh faoin spĂ©ir' or out under the sky.

This beauty visited my garden last summer and I was so happy to see it..I had tried to create a habitiat for all sorts and this peacock butterfly was such a jewel to see.

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